This page is the English mirror of, which was originally written in German and later translated into Japanese and English. These pages are designed to work as some sort of Travel Wikipedia - enter a page and travel around by clicking on the maps and related links. Links marked with an arrow (→) are links inside this website. All other links, mainly at the bottom of each page, are outside links.

These pages are not completed yet, so you will find different page designs and some broken links. This will change over the months. When these pages are ready, the design will be uniform and there will be a comment function at the bottom of each page. Feel free to use the comment function to update or add information on that destination. For general feedback use the →Contact Form please.

Please check the →Caveats too before setting a link to these pages. In general, you are free to link. However, copying parts of this website or using maps and pictures from this website without consulting me is not allowed.

Keep in mind that these pages are created by one single person - don't expect these pages to be always up to date. Naturally, everything written here partially reflects personal preferences. I'm writing these pages following the "best effort" principle, but information can be biased or simply wrong. Again, refer to the comment function and/or to the contact form to help me improving these pages.

Happy trails from tabibito and enjoy reading

